Tuesday, December 30, 2008

#3: Elevator Small-Talkers

We've all been there. It's not even 8am (or what I refer to as "ass o'clock"), you didn't sleep well last night, and it's a miracle you even dragged your sorry self in to the office at all. You approach the elevator and feel your heart sink as you realize you won't be getting to ride up those few floors to your office alone this morning. And even worse, the person you have to share that ride with is cheery, bubbly, caffeinated, friendly, and, oh God... wants to talk to you.

You give them a feeble smile and then try to busy yourself with your iPod (I can't hear you!) or your purse (I'm busy!), or even stare straight ahead (I'm blocking you out!), but still they persist. The conversation always consists of lame, obvious comments about the weather, or how it's Monday and isn't that too bad, and did you have a nice weekend?

Finally you reach your destination and you bolt out of there, desperate for the annoying person to just...shut...up already. But of course they have to yell after you "take care!" or "have a nice day!" or, worst of all, "see you around, kiddo!". You might have been willing to forgive them all their stupid chatter despite your obvious discomfort at the conversation and your unwillingness to participate in it, but that last exclamation puts you over the edge, and you vow to burn the whole building down with everyone in it...or, more realistically, hate this person until the day you die.

Or at least until you get some damn coffee.


  1. Luckily, I don't have to ride an elevator at my job ;)

  2. I enjoy replying to fake-ass "how are you"'s with a litany of everything that's wrong with me. Haha, those suckers wish they'd never asked.

  3. I have never heard of ass o'clock.....just ass thirty. Guess they are prolly in a half an hour time frame of each other though
