Inevitably, however, there are those who show up in business suits and those stupid wheeling backpacks with the adjustable handles. I understand some people are coming straight from work. When I have on-campus classes, I usually have to show up in my work clothes, too. But why the backpack on wheels? WHY?
Backpacks on wheels are stupid. They make it look like you are trying seem more important than you are because your backpack is basically a glorified suitcase. Ooh, look at you, you're a business traveler! When I see those ugly things, I think just one thing: you are too goddamn lazy to carry a backpack, so you roll it around with you everywhere instead.
I hate your backpack on wheels and I hate you.
Oh man, I could go on and on about these people. At my university, we called them "non-trads," as they were referred to as non-traditional students. The non-trads always thought they were very important for going back to school so late in life, and they felt that it was not only appropriate but their job to take up the entire class period with stories of their life experiences, which they somehow distantly relate to the class subject matter. Each class I took had at least one non-trad in it, and every time that person would raise their hand, the rest of the class would groan under their breath, roll their eyes, and get ready to hear a long and boring story about how important and knowledgeable the person is.